The universe of self development lead me to review a whole lot of notes I had taken throughout 2018. They were my notes on presentations of at least 30 “experts”. There was a range of subjects from the latest discoveries about science, neuroscience to marketing, travel, health, wealth and lots more.
As I read through them and reviewed what I had learnt, I was reminded that we all have a story, we all have a perspective that enables us to perceive a much bigger and wider world. What a lot of people have trouble with is letting other’s view be there view and thus arises conflict.
As an individual we are all entitled to our own view this is how we create our own place in the universe, does this make us right wrong or different. It’s ok to disagree with others but not to be disagreeable as a person
My view may align with universal law which is marvelous. And remember that one of the universal laws is about belief not how you see things. The universe is a major conundrum- a mystery to most.
What’s your future look like for you? For you are presently creating the future so it can arrive according to universal law.
So what is your world view? Are men and women different? Can we let them be different? Can we live under one heaven in peace and harmony?
Create a world view that honors your children and their children