So, the first step in the process is to actually recognize that you are in a prison because one of the problems we have is that if you actually don’t know that you’re in prison, how can you possibly actually break out of it? Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said, “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who thoughtfully believe that they are free.” And of course, the point of that is to say that if you think you’re free but you actually haven’t addressed how you think and your mind works and taking control of that then you are imprisoned. And Plato suggested that most people will spend their entire life in a state of sleep. Yes they’re walking, yes they’re breathing but they are asleep to how the world really is, how the world operates.
Does that describe you? Are you aware that the world is not how it appears? Have you ever wondered why the Full Moon appears huge on the horizon at moonrise and yet when it’s overhead it’s shrunk? Are you aware that you created the different sizes? And you do that in many instances, all be it to make your world easy to understand.
In the movie, ‘The Shawshank Redemption’, Morgan Freeman talks about the process that happens in a prison. What happens is that day after day you get conditioned that that’s the way things are. That you live within the walls of that establishment and therefore because you do and you think you’re there every day. Then that’s all well and good because you know you can’t break out. The problem with us as human beings is that we don’t see the walls. In fact, when we’re young and as kids, you might walk up to a total stranger and put your arms around their neck and give them a big hug and be completely fine. Then somebody says, “Oh don’t do that or you’ll get hurt.” What we tend to do, as human beings when we get hurt, is shut down a little. Because we’re not actually taught what’s going on there is a tendency to put up a little wall against getting hurt again. We, as human beings, really don’t want to get hurt. And so, we put up the wall again and then next thing you know is that we become a victim of our own walls and barriers that we actually self-imposed and we didn’t need the self-imposing but that was the way that we learned to deal with it and so people build up hurts from resentments and those things, in the end, lead to people being angry because they haven’t been able to deal with the energy that surrounds those experiences. More tomorrow……..