Neuroscience! Sounds complicated. “Neuroscience.” Yet it’s really, really simple. Science concerns itself with what it can prove. And we as everyday people are only concerned with what works. I have been studying, researching and exploring the mechanics of the brain and mind for nearly 40 yrs.
Neuroscience really isn’t that complicated. It’s the study of the neurology of the human body, which really to a large extent is still a mystery. Everyday people shy away from it because they don’t feel they are educated enough and won’t understand any discourse or written material on this subject.
Neuroscience is however like Fitness. Everyday people, like you and me, don’t want an essay or a lecture on why exercise makes me feel better or fitter. We just want to know the best exercises to BE fitter or better.
So If I can give you the Mind exercises to achieve the outcome you want and you do them will you be satisfied that they work. Remember the important part is what Works.
Unfortunately, little credence or attention is paid to books like “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill or “Quantum Healing” by Deepak Chopra. They are groundbreaking in so many ways
Yet, Fully understand this statement and it unlocks so many mysteries of Your Mind and it’s Power.