Mindset can be controlled because it emanates from the electrical activity of the brain. And while a single neuron generates only a tiny amount of electricity, all your neurons together can generate enough electricity to power a low-wattage bulb. Now we know that will produce only a weak light emanation. However if we were to put that through a ruby crystal and create a laser beam we could send that signal to the moon and back, such is the power of what we created.
In the same way, when we focus the mind we release the kind of Power that can be focused on any challenge, project or goal you have in front of you. That Power is incredible and what is needed to solve the biggest challenges in the shortest time. We see it randomly in life when someone displays an incredible show of strength in an emergency like lifting a weight off a person in a life/death situation or someone rushes into a burning building and saves lives.What we now know is we can trigger access to the Power and direct it into our live.
I have been working in the Mind Training Industry for 40 years. There is enough proof scientifically that Thoughts are Things. this was a concept first proposed by Napoleon Hill. Quantum physics has now verified that to be true because things are vibration and so to our thoughts. The question is how can I concentrate the thoughts in my Mindset. This is my life’s work and my passion. So getting your Mindset under control is ultra important