Gratitude is the Mindset, the attitude that has incredible repercussions for you in your life. Learn to be grateful for what happens in the moment because you don’t know where that will lead to in the future. Opportunities appear to you by be grateful for whatever comes your way. I have experience this in my life and in the lives of many of my students
It’s like the Chinese story of the farmer who trains horses. One day a stallion comes out of the hills and he and his son were able to capture him. The son cries “what good luck”. The father replies “Good Luck Bad Luck who knows”. A few days later the Stallion escapes. The son exclaims “what bad luck”. The replies “Good Luck Bad Luck who knows”. A week later the Stallion comes back with a number of mares which the farmer and his son catch and begin to train. The son announces “what good luck” to which the father answers “Good Luck Bad Luck who knows”. When the son is breaking in one of the mares he falls and breaks his leg. He once again yells out “what bad luck”. The father states “Good Luck Bad Luck who knows”
A few days later the local warlord comes knocking on the farmers door to get the young man into the army and because of his leg he can’t go. Good Luck – Bad Luck??
Nothing is good or bad in itself. By being Grateful we become open to the usefulness of anything that happens in our life. Also by being grateful, that will bring more things to be grateful for into our lives. The Attitude of Gratitude is a powerful Mindset, a powerful Force in a universe that is totally vibration. Gratitude is one of the strongest if not the strongest frequency in the Universe.