The Blame game is one of the first skills we are taught in growing up. We learn mostly from experience of what happens to us and we model our behaviours on people around us.We learn to blame others, situations and things for our lot in life.
The Blame game is one skill that is worth overcoming. It stops us from really seeing and experiencing how life really works. We don’t notice the cycles in our lives, the connections of cause and effect.
This includes Blaming Yourself which is a major epidemic in our world today.This is a major societal disease because as soon as you say “it’s my fault” you no longer look at the cause – effect cycle. What would happen if you said” If I created this situation? If so, then maybe I can create a different result”
I did this when I was diagnosed with an incurable disease. That’s when I realised that I had the power to change this outcome. I had created the illness via my lifestyle and mindset. I did some training (which I now teach) on tapping into the power of my mind when focussed. I said to myself ” If I created this disease via the chemistry in my body from the way I think, what I eat & by the way i am doing life, then by changing my mind, I can change my physical well-being” I was able to use this mindset and the power of the mind in have a 100% remission.
My freedom came when I accepted that if I have a situation in my life, in my health, then the “cure” is in owning the situation. If I created “this”, then I can create the result I really want by putting my mind to it.
The Blame Game is the last game you or anyone else wants to play. There are no winners.