Lessons we learn once we are on this planet is how to behave around others. As a young child we could run up to a complete stranger and jump straight into their arms. We are open, unafraid and, as some describe it, naive. over time we learn that we shouldn’t do that.The lessons we learn – We need to be wary around strangers. We build up walls and barriers by the way we talk, the way we behave and how we think. We develop a permanent mindset that is based on that perspective. Then for most people it becomes their outlook for life.
We become victims of our own walls and barriers which we learn to created. So when the edict came out that because of Covid we needed to “Social Distance”, this was the easiest law to enforce. It was the easiest because the majority of human beings are already programmed to keep others at arms reach. Pasteur’s germ theory is permeated through the fabric of our society even though his work doesn’t replicate the real world.
The lesson of making this law work was how the media’s fear campaign piggy-backed on an existing societal norm. Most people already believed that if someone sneezed on them that they will catch a cold.
Antoine Bechamp, a little known scientist of Pasteur’s era, proved that we build dis-ease and literally create an illness from the inside out. We can receive germs from someone else but it will only turn into a full blown illness if we are out of balance.
The lesson Covid brings to our attention is how out of balance our world is. How do you become immune-balance up. Some will do that via a vaccine, others by taking the time to come back to ease, to peace in them.
Relax, let go and the most important lesson will have been learnt