Words can be a gift or they can be a curse. Words can heal or they can kill depending on how the receiver takes them. The more emotionally charged they are, the more power they contain. Also the emotion they are delivered with will tend to be the emotion they are received with and so the effect will follow on. Once the words leave your mouth they become real in universal terms, so it’s important to really mean what you say and mean what you say.
When you open your mouth and speak you are displaying to those listening the contents of your Mind and Brain. What is most important about that is the fact that you are listening.
People say things like I believe this or that but their life does not reflect those stated beliefs. I knew someone who , when they were receiving feedback about something that happened, would ,when the result was negative would say “of course”. This was expressing that their expectation was already negative.
Or you may know someone who uses “always” Or “never” i.e. absolute adverbs. These reflect a lack of belief in an alternative outcome
When I hear myself using words like these or words like can’t, impossible I have an opportunity to change the words to what I really want to say. I am constantly challenging myself as to whether that sentence is what I really wanted to say. From there I’ll correct myself to a new phrase.
Your Sub-conscious is precise, exact and literal, so it’s important that what comes out of your mouth is exactly what you want and in particularly precisely how you want yourself and your future to be. Awareness is your ally. It is difficult to improve your life without an awareness that what you say and how you say it are determining your future