Self Image is the most underrated ingredient to a fulfilling life. It is the subconscious image you have of yourself. It is the sum of all your experiences that have been indelibly imprinted in your mental network of electrical connections. It is the Image of You in sensorial form made up of each of your 5 senses PLUS your emotions.
Consequently, experiences in your past that have very strong emotional content are often very important to your Self Image’s makeup and are strongly represented in the overall effect of that Image’s influence. Many people spend a lot of time and money attempting to change their persona to the world. Yet if they don’t alter this internally programmed “Image” then nothing in their world will change. Maxwell Maltz, a plastic surgeon, recounts his experience of surgery that he did to beautify people only to have many of them complain of the results of their surgery. He recounts his experience in Psycho-Cybernetics, a best selling book from the 1960’s and an important read for anyone wanting improve themselves.
In fact, all personal improvement starts with a change in the beliefs surrounding who you are and what in imbued in your Self Image. To start the improvement learn how to be still – take 3 slow deep breaths and slow exhales. Feel yourself slowing down and at these slower brain frequencies imagine, if you will, a screen in your mind, as Napoleon Hill wrote about in Think & Grow Rich. The first time imagine your current Self Image on the Screen like a giant mirror. Next erase this image and paint a new Self Image represent how you want to be. For example you may want to be confident and enthusiastic – paint a bright energetic aura around a vibrant image of yourself. You may want to express more love and kindness. Allow yourself to be led to paint these attributes into New Image. Then place this Image/Mirror in front of you, so each time you close your eyes you will reinforce this New Self Image.