Letting go of the past is one of the big challenges that most of us as human beings have to address across our lives. The past can contain valuable experiences that can be wonderful and valuable learning experiences.
In my book “The Riches of Life’s Journey” I wrote about Letting Go. I had lost something and I could feel the rising anxiety in my stomach. Then using a technique, I have taught literally 10’s of thousands of people of all ages, I took some deep breaths surrounded the items with white vibrant light and let them go. And sure enough the next morning I woke from sleep in a lucid dream with an image of where the item would be and there they were.
The image above is the third major high point of the Camino Frances, the 800kms walk across the top of Spain, which I walked by myself. This is the mound of stones that have been accumulating for centuries. What started out as a Celtic tradition along the traditional walking route of the Celtic tribes eventually became a Camino Frances tradition after 900AD. The Celts would leave the stones to appease the Thunder Gods as they trod the mountain trails
The tradition is that when you walk the Camino you take a stone from your home that symbolises a challenge, a problem or a project you have been working on or has be concerning you. When you cross Cruz de Ferro you put your stone on the sacred heap and leave it and the problems behind. It is an important part of the Camino regardless of your religious beliefs. Letting go is vital to allow Universal Intelligence to take over and solve challenges in our lives. There’s an old saying “Let Go, Let God”
Letting Go is therefore a valid way to handle any Project you may have in your life