Your Freedom is all about your Mindset. Why, you might say? Because the biggest chains, walls, jail bars, barriers to you being free is in your mind. You were not taught how your brain and mind work when you went to school. You were expected to fill your brain full of facts, many of which you have found have changed since you went to school.
History facts have changed, Geography facts have changed, Physics, Chemistry, English rules, most of the subjects taught at school have changed as we continue to attempt to unravel and understand the mysteries of life. Mathematics is probably the closest we come to solid facts, although the world of Physics is challenging that. When everything keeps changing, we can begin to see that nothing we see, feel, touch around us is as it seems. We live in an illusion, which creates a feeling of uncertainty much of which, depending on your awareness level, is disconcerting because logic can’t make sense of it all.
The greatest aid to you being really free is for you to become dis-illusioned i.e. for the illusion of our physical world to be lifted like a veil off a beautiful woman. Our physical world is really a vibratory soup of energy moving all the time in all directions. Your freedom is waiting for you as you wake up to this world that you are constantly influencing by the way you think and the quality of your mindset.
The first step to living Your Freedom is to acknowledge where real substance lies. That way you can come to peace about who you really are. This Peace, that you will find within, is what you have always sought and is the source of your freedom and your wealth. Seek the Universe in you and Freedom will follow