Everywhere you go, you always take the weather with you – these words are reverberating through my mind. I heard this 1991 Crowded House hit song on the radio this morning and it has been echoing through my mind. I have always love the truth in the song, because in training students of life’s wonders, I have worked out that the majority of people struggle with remaining calm and at peace in the face of many of the things that we come in contact with in daily life.
People worry about getting sick, getting robbed, having an accident, getting in trouble at work or at school, having an argument with a spouse or significant other etc…. They don’t know know to control their response. Most people grow up being taught to blame others for their circumstances. Remember, you can not control how others behave, but you can control your response to the people and happenings around you.
Everywhere you go, once you have self-mastery, you can control “your weather”. There is no such thing as Bad weather, only various degrees of Good weather. Everywhere you go in life there’s the opportunity to encounter a different perspective no matter how many times you may have experienced whatever you came across. You can never get “lost or depressed or lonely etc” once you have learnt to centre yourself to the very core of your being. Looking for a solution outside of yourself, is an endless task because it has never existed there and never will. You were created with a physical heart and a spiritual heart.
Everywhere you go you take both of your hearts with you. Having access to your spiritual heart will enable you to control your response to everything that goes on around you no matter how wild the weather gets. Always bring your own sunshine.