Life is Simple when we are very young. When I was in traffic today, I watched a baby in the car seat in the car beside me. It appeared she (I think) was trying to make sense of the sunshine that was on the seat beside her. She was trying to get a point of reference about what this new phenomena was and how it worked. Early in our time on this planet, we spend all of our time making points of reference about the physical world in which we are going to spend some years in.
We didn’t know what hard or soft was, or sweet or sour etc. We spend our first 7 years putting labels on our experiences and later in our life, for our life to become meaningful, we learn to let go the labels and connect with spiritual side of life.
If you keep life simple, you’ll create a far closer connection with who you are and what you are doing here. Finding meaning of and purpose for your life at one point will become the most important questions in your Life. You will at some point realise that your Life is of a limited nature and when you do you’ll want to make the rest of it count, no matter what you have done in the past.
Keep Life simple, for in its simplicity you’ll find all the greatest things that make life worth living. You’ll see the beauty in simple things like a flower or a child’s smile. When life is at it’s simplest, we will experience the magic and mystery of living. Take your time to slow down, smell the roses, converse with friends or relations and make the most of this Life you have been gifted. Keep Life simple and allow more joy and happiness into living