Your Personal Power Within

Your Personal Power Within

Your Personal Power Within Thousands of years ago a young man stood at the base of a great mountain and he searched. He searched for a hidden precious jewel. He lifted boulders, looked amongst the trees of the forest but the valley was bathed in darkness and he didn’t...
Never is a word

Never is a word

Never is a word constantly used in our society. For example,That never happens to me; I never win ; I never get selected. These are absolute statements that are incredibly limiting. It’s the same as ALWAYS statements e.g. you’re always late; you always say that; you...
Personal Development (Part 2)

Personal Development (Part 2)

Personal Development was the last subject that I ever thought of being involved or interested in. As I started to take interest in the field of personal development, I discover that short comings of a typical “normal” education. We basically get taught facts ( a...