Discovering the Power of your Mind is without doubt the most exciting journey of life. Why? Because at every turn there’s a surprise. We aren’t taught about this power at school. We were taught facts and the reality about facts is that they change. What I was taught at school and what is now taught is different, especially in the areas of history, and the sciences, like Physics, Chemistry and the like.
So why is Discovering the Power of your Mind significant? It is because your Mind can be controlled and it’s operation can be focused. Just like a car can operate in various gears, your Mind can operate in conjunction with your brain in various modes.
You can experience confusion, clarity, high awareness, excellent communication, great insight or intuition and every state known to man or woman. These states are the result of the electrical activity in the brain and concurrently the Mind Control that you are exhibiting. What we weren’t taught at school is all of this is predictable because the brain and mind operate on specific principles and laws. This means that we can control the input into our life. We are not victims of random occurrences, we are captains of our own journey if we take the time to get educated on the way we operate at the very core of our being.
Part of that process is disillusionment – losing the illusion that the world is only what we see, what we hear, what we can touch, what we smell, what we taste and what we feel. Only then can you begin to discover the real world.
Discovering the Power of your Mind will lift the veil that has been hiding how it is that your school education doesn’t empower you to have a happier and more fulfilling life. This is why Personal Development – or should I write Personal Unfoldment is paramount for that fulfilling Life