Personal Development was the last subject that I ever thought of being involved or interested in. As I started to take interest in the field of personal development, I discover that short comings of a typical “normal” education. We basically get taught facts ( a failing endeavour considering how fast the discoveries about the normal world are being made and updated, then, made and updated.
I long ago realised that life is a mystery where once you think you made sense of, you discover another way to look at it and see everything around you in a new light.
Good personal Development is best when it is transcendent, that is, when you go through series of vibrational stages that speed up. This is reflective of greater awareness, realisations that transcend the everyday world and a greater feeling of being able to hold attention.
This road is like any we take in life. We move forward and down the road when we see it’s taking us in the right direction or at least a direction that has signs of making progress.
For me, Personal development and Illumination have become a part of my life because after completing my first foray into understanding myself,
- I realised how much power my brain and mind had
- I learnt that the Brain and Mind have a rule book
- I used that rule book to achieve many things
- to get to sleep at night and stay asleep
- To stop smoking
- To attain a more optimal weight
- a metaphysical understanding of life. – there are NO accidents
- Learn that “If I created this (whatever) then I can create the opposite or whatever I really want
All of this and so much more came ,not from theory but from the experience of developing my Personal perspective of life.