Self Image is the most important concept to know and understand about being human . Each of us has an image of ourselves even though we may have no idea consciously what it is but it’s still asserting its influence on our life.
We once thought that a human being learns all that it can learn in the first 7 years of life. In fact, we once thought that half of all the learning occurred in the first 2 years of our life. The number of discoveries about the brain and how it works and the mind and how it works has been so large that we now can understand a completely different way of looking at the brain and mind.
For over a hundred years the brain has been likened to a machine and then a computer.We now know that the brain is constantly changing. We once thought that you can destroy brain cells ( neurons ) but not create them. Now we know that the firing of neurons and the receival at the synapses in the brain happens all our life. It happens extensively around birth and in those early years. But we go through another highly active period at about puberty.
What the latest research shows is theour brain can create new neurons and new synapses that mean we can create new behaviours and new experiences throughout our entire lifetime. This is the neuroplasticity of our brain, available to all of us. What makes it work or even possible is the attention we can bring to bear on the issue at hand. This the work of our Mind, it is the Power of mind, Your Mind.
Your Self Image therefore is not static. It is dynamic and by bringing your attention to focus on it like a slide in a projector, you can change the slide and give your mind a completely different set of operating instructions, a New Self Image.