Inner voice should you listen? What is your inner voice? To which voice am I referring the quiet uplifting and insightful voice or that often critical commentary of what’s happening around you. Often the more educated in the mainstream education world the more developed that critical voice can be. There’s definitely a place for that voice in everyday life.
Your Inner Voice that I’m really questioning about here is Your Intuition, that mostly quiet voice that is connected to Higher Intelligence. Every one of us has that connection and often we forget to take the time to reconnect with our creator.That other critical voice that chatters over and over and is responsible for overwhelm, for doubting our abilities and doubting those around us.
Take time to reconnect with your inner voice. it’s there to support you, to inspire you, to keep you on the right track towards your dreams and goals. Take time everyday to sit and be at peace, be still and realise what an incredible world you live in. You were born with a telephone line to your creator. Learn to meditate, pray, whatever you want to call it – to reconnect to the unseen, the source of all the real power in the world.
This last 18 months has shown to all of humanity that putting your faith in politicians, in fact any of the human beings in positions of power where power and money rule, putting your trust in these so called rulers is dangerous because they are too busy pushing their own cart.
It is time to relearn, to be re-educated about the way the universe is put together. We don’t need to be controlled by our physical sense. It’s time for you to distinguish between your analytical worldly voice and your real Inner Spirit Voice.