Pain is Valuable. Pain is a process that assists each one of us to experience what’s really happening in our life. It is really easy in our world today to get lost in the noise of everyday experience. After we leave childhood our general operating brain frequency is the Beta Frequency which is an analytical operating mode which means that much of the subtleties of life become invisible. The Beta Mindset is one of thinking and distraction. To operate at the optimum level, we need awareness. That way we can take advantage of the pain signals that come to us every day so as to increase the quality of our life.
My message to you here is to wake up and live. Wake up to what’s going on. To do so your ally is pain. That’s all very easy to say. It’s not as easy just to magically do. A lot of people wake up when something life threatening occurs (a source of pain). They get diagnosed with a life-threatening illness or have an accident that threatens their very existence; or a friend of theirs has the same happen to them; or perhaps another family member is struck down with some ailment or disease or some crisis; or maybe it’s a breakup of a relationship. Maybe it’s the falling apart of what has been for many years and all of a sudden, it’s starting to crack. In those moments, when your world starts to fall apart, it’s not unusual for that to cause us to wake up. It’s been like, if you’re fast asleep on a bed, and somebody came in with a pin and stuck you with a pin (pain) there is a good chance that you would actually wake up very, very rapidly and be very alert because there has been a massive change in your circumstances.
Sometimes that’s what it takes for people to wake up and live. My suggestion is not to leave it until that point where there is a crisis. Ask the question:
How can I get things to change without a crisis? Without a lot of pain.
Well, there is a few things you can do. Number 1 is to acknowledge that you’re not in control of your life. Acknowledge that you are being blown back and forth by whatever is going on around in your life and begin the process of learning to become aware. One of the most important things that you can do to improve the quality of your life is to learn how to switch on your awareness. The best way is to learn how to meditate.