Your Personal Power Within
Thousands of years ago a young man stood at the base of a great mountain and he searched. He searched for a hidden precious jewel. He lifted boulders, looked amongst the trees of the forest but the valley was bathed in darkness and he didn’t find the jewel.
As he sat dissatisfied, unfulfilled, and sad he looked to the shining peak of the great mountain and decided intuitively that’s where it will be. So, he set off on an arduous journey, a journey filled with setbacks, obstacles, filled with disappointments and struggle, a journey that took many, many years of his life. And finally, he reached the top, finally wearied after the long climb he pushed to find the jewel here at the top. Still, he found no jewel, no gem.
Disillusioned and tired he sat down and gazed down into the valley far few below and at once his vision cleared, he was filled with the realization that the jewel he searched for was within him all this time and that it had been there all the time. The most precious of all gems resided within him and the light from the gem had always shone out for all to see. Only he had been blinded. And now as his vision cleared, he could see the reality of life. It’s all about living, expressing and being the most precious of all jewels because you are unique.
Your Personal Power Your Personal Power Within comes from within, from the four levels of your being. It’s like the young man’s journey, unless you seek to know yourself you will have a tendency to underestimate your abilities. When you take a 10watt light bulb and focus the light through a ruby you actually create a laser beam that is so powerful that it can cut through the hardest metal, be sent to the moon and back, incredibly powerful. When you learn to focus your mind power you can do amazing things and take control of your life with your Personal power within.