Peter Martin
Business & Personal Transformational Trainer and CoachMy Story
Went to Uni graduated with a Degree in Civil Engineering- not that smart but worked out how to pass exams
Worked as an Engineer for 3 years
Then went looking for a better way to make a living
Entered sales, struggled
Got sick, went to a Personal Development Course where I created a new perspective
Learnt the true meaning of responsibility and the real nature of the universe & thus the keys to achievement AND GOT WELL
Last 30 years – journey of discovery about the Brain, the Mind and Mindset and why it all starts with you and me.
Have owned and operated several retail, wholesale and direct sales businesses.
Have spoken to tens of thousands of people throughout Australia, NZ and South East Asia, in the fields of Personal Development and Transformation, Meditation, Leadership Dynamics, Network Marketing, Parenting, Relational Dynamics and Business Development.
Mentored and Coached at a personal and business level
With my wife Annette have raised 6 children into successful adults
PASSIONATE to assist YOU to a New Quality of Life
Today I share the Secrets of
through Speaking, Writing, Travelling and Teaching.
With a Focus on harnessing your own Brain and Mind power, you can keep up to date and in touch via
Wake Up and Live Fully