Never is a word

Never is a word

Never is a word constantly used in our society. For example,That never happens to me; I never win ; I never get selected. These are absolute statements that are incredibly limiting. It’s the same as ALWAYS statements e.g. you’re always late; you always say that; you...
Personal Development (Part 2)

Personal Development (Part 2)

Personal Development was the last subject that I ever thought of being involved or interested in. As I started to take interest in the field of personal development, I discover that short comings of a typical “normal” education. We basically get taught facts ( a...
Personal Development (Part 1)

Personal Development (Part 1)

Personal Development What’s the attraction of Personal development? I didn’t start down the road of wanting to develop myself personally. I started down a path to find a solution to a personal condition called “Stressed”. I had married young and had 6 children by the...
The Hero’s Journey

The Hero’s Journey

The Hero’s Journey – Joseph Campbell Joseph Campbell was probably the greatest discoverer and promoter of Mythology. He lived a fascinating and long life. He first started with a curiosity about North American Myths and explored the world of mythology across all...