Freedom requires Awareness
So, the first step in the process is to actually recognize that you are in a prison because one of the problems we have is that if you actually don't know that you're in prison, how can you possibly actually break out of it? Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said, "None are...

Freedom is More Than Money
So let’s take a look at where you are right now because that's the starting point that you need before you can determine where you want to go. Getting clarity on what your freedom really is for you requires meditation and time, as it’s sometimes quite obscured by the...

Win Your Freedom
What if somebody walked up to you tomorrow and said, "I'm going to wave a magic wand and you will be free?" What if that was to actually happen? What would that mean for you? Would you actually know what being free is for you? One of the biggest questions that pervade...

Our world is an abundant world. There is more grain than we need, there is more air than we need, there is more of everything. What there isn’t at the moment is the willingness to share across borders, across oceans, across races and across beliefs. Buckminster Fuller...
We are not all the same
The universe of self development lead me to review a whole lot of notes I had taken throughout 2018. They were my notes on presentations of at least 30 “experts”. There was a range of subjects from the latest discoveries about science, neuroscience to marketing,...
Goal Setting
At this time of year, many people set goals, maybe long term, medium term or short term. These terms are relevant to the individual. For some that would be 10yr, 5yr, 1yr, for another that would be 5yr, 1 yr, 6 mths and still another 1yr, 6 mths, 1 mth. OR any...
It’s a New Day, In a New Year
Today no matter where you are today, no matter which part of the world you live in, today is new, today is short and it's unique. what are you going to trade this time for? Some people try to make us feel guilty because we sit idle and do nothing. Some will try and...